10 Ways You Are Making Life Harder For Yourself

10 Ways You Are Making Life Harder For Yourself

Life can be hard on all of us at one point or another, but sometimes, the biggest barrier keeping you from simplifying your life is yourself.

There are a lot of times that you might feel down about yourself, your job, your relationships, or the world around you. It can be hard to create a healthy and happy life for yourself when you’re facing so much criticism from yourself about the choices you are making, especially if you are making those choices for the wrong reasons. But there’s a way to improve your mental state that doesn’t involve anything other than you. Don’t count out the power of positive thinking–you can change your life with a few simple enough steps.

1. You compare yourself to others, instead of loving yourself for who you are.

Comparing yourself to others is never healthy–whether it’s regarding a co-worker getting a promotion over you, or a supermodel having a better body. Everyone is different. And although you’ve undoubtably heard that before, just remember that you have something great to offer that makes you great, too. You shouldn’t let how others are living affect your life, because we all come from a different background, and follow a different path. Focus on making your path the best one for you.


2. You let fear stop you from doing things, instead of stepping out of your comfort zone.

If you’re letting fear stop you from making a change in your life, like a move across the country, or asking your cute neighbor out on a date, STOP! Fear is something that’s completely in our minds, and letting it control you keeps you from experiencing the great things in life. You don’t want to miss out on all the fun and amazing things your life has to offer, so do something that scares you. Study abroad. Move to a big city. Do something you think you might fail at. It’ll only make you stronger.

3. You buy things you don’t need, instead of cutting down on unnecessary possessions.

Clutter in your home is clutter in your life; you just don’t need it. With money being one of the biggest stress-inducers in today’s society, it seems obvious that buying less stuff is a smart move. Yet we are always running out to buy the next big thing, whether it’s some piece of technology that we insist is better than our current one, or this season’s must-have trendy clothes that will undoubtably be out of style in a few months. Instead, spend your money on things you NEED and not on things you simply want. This way, you’ll have more space in your life, and when you treat yourself to a gift that you really want, it’ll actually make you happy.

4. You often procrastinate, instead of getting started on a life-changing path.

We’re not talking about the kind of procrastination you did on your English papers and math homework, but instead, the kind where you avoid major life changes that you really need to make. Starting a diet or workout program, or quitting a job you hate, but you always say that you’ll start tomorrow, or Monday, or at the start of next month. The longer you put it off, the harder it will be to actually start. Excuses aren’t helping anyone–they are actually hurting you because you’re one day further away from happiness.

time passing

5. You live for the future, instead of focusing on the present.

As you sit and daydream about what life will be like in five years, or when you’re in love, or when you have that great job, life is passing you buy. Life is going on right now, as you check social media for the third time. Do you have dreams? Do something to start your path to achieving them today! If you sit around waiting for your perfect future, it will never come. Be grateful for your present, and if you want it to be different, the only way to change it is to start today.

6. You talk down to yourself, instead of building yourself up.

You’ve definitely heard that you are your toughest critic, and not only is it true, it can be detrimental. Is that little voice inside your head saying negative things about you, your body, your performance, or your health? It’s likely that your actions will reflect that. But it’s key to remember that you have flaws, just like everyone else. And those flaws don’t make you awful–they make you human. Next time you catch yourself thinking something negative about yourself, put a spin on that thought and visualize what you like about yourself instead.

7. You put too much importance on what other people think, instead of making your own decisions.

We all have been guilty of making life choices based on other people at one time or another, but to do so is crazy. Why would you rather try to make someone else like you than to make sure that YOU like you? Putting extra effort into trying to figure out what move will make you seem “cool” is wasting time that you could otherwise spend doing things that you love. If your friends don’t appreciate you for who you are, then they aren’t friends you want to have anyway.


8. You are always too busy, instead of taking time for yourself.

Packing on too many tasks can lead to a very hectic life, but if you don’t have time to relax, you’ll end up stressed out. And it’s hard to finish your tasks as best you can when you’re so stressed about the other tasks you have to do. It’s a vicious cycle that can be fixed with one simple thing: some relaxing down time. If you take on one less activity, and use that time to just be with yourself and your thoughts, you’ll perform better at the rest of your tasks. You’ll also get to spend some time thinking about what you’ve learned and experienced as life was rushing by you.

9. You dwell on negative experiences, instead of letting the past go.

You may have faced some hardships in the past, but now that you’re through them, it’s really better to let it go. The bad experiences shape the person you become, however, focusing on them forever will take away from the life you’re living now. Don’t live in the past. Instead, learn to forgive, move on, and realize that you can’t change what has already happened. But you can change the way you think and feel for the future.

10. You avoid being honest with yourself, instead of embracing the truth.

There are probably some problems that you’re dealing with–everyone is. Big or small, you have to work through the issues you face. Burying your feelings and acting like everything is ok will only work for so long, until you eventually can’t take any more and explode. Instead, be honest with yourself about what you’re feeling. That way you can face each demon head-on, and move towards being happier and healthier.

[Featured Image Credit: timeslive.co.za]