12 Awesome Things To Say That Could Change Your Life

12 Awesome Things To Say That Could Change Your Life

For some reason, mankind has developed into two distinctly different types of people. For example, there are those who look at any situation as “the glass half-empty,” and we call them pessimists; those who always see “the glass half-full” are the optimists.

Then, there are those impulsive ones who act without thinking, as compared to the cautious who think without acting – this is called procrastination.

It for these people that our LifeDaily team has selected a few awesome things to say – either out loud or to yourself – that will overcome hesitation and replace it with action.

It isn’t that you don’t have plans and ideas or goals, it’s just that they are meaningless if you don’t “walk the walk” and only “talk the talk.” It’s the fear of the unknown, or being afraid to fail, that holds people back.

You just need to get started, and these awesome things to say are the first step:

1. Can you help me?

This question implies that you recognize that the other person has skills and abilities, and indicates your respect for them.

2. That wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought…

Usually, nothing ever turns out to be as bad as you thought. You can do something you were afraid to do with the belief that it will actually be OK.

3. Can I help you?

Many people are too embarrassed to own up to needing help, and frequently refuse it when offered. The trick is to offer help in a way that feels collaborative, not patronizing.

4. I did something no one else is willing to do.

Pick something small and simple, and then just do it. It will help you to stand out from the rest of your colleagues.

5. It’s totally my fault.

Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s owning up to them that counts. Just focus on being smarter next time.

6. I don’t care what other people think.

Generally, you should care, but not if it stops you living the way you want to.

7. I’m really sorry.

If you’re truly sorry explain why, and take all the blame. Then you’ll both feel better.

8. It’s not perfect… but that’s okay.

Unfortunately, some projects or initiatives don’t work out exactly as planned, which means in future you’ll have to make improvements that actually matter.

9. Yes.

When you say yes, you’re really saying, “I trust myself,” so say “yes” to the opportunity you’re most afraid of.

10. No.

Sometimes you just need to say “no” in order to be able to focus on what is important to you, and don’t think that makes you selfish.

11. That’s not my job — but who cares?

No job should ever be too menial, or boring. So, when you see something that needs to be done, just do it. Not only will it get done, but you’ll feel all the better for doing it.

12. I’m really glad I tried their way.

Sometimes the best thing to do something is copy what made someone else successful. Don’t always feel the need to reinvent the wheel.

Do you think you will apply any of our selection of awesome things to say to your life?

Or do you already use all, or some of them? You can tell our readers by making use of the comments feed below.