20 Tips To Make Indoor Gardening Successful

20 Tips To Make Indoor Gardening Successful

With Winter approaching, many people who take pleasure in being surrounded by plants, turn towards the option of indoor gardening

It isn’t difficult or complicated to create an indoor garden provided you follow some basic rules. You will need to decide on a theme for the garden. For example, do you want a garden purely for its appearance, or would like it to be practical as well.

Practical, in this case, means using the garden to grow such items as herbs, which you can use in cooking.

Either way, the tips and suggestions from our Life Daily team will guarantee that whatever you choose to grow will be successful.

Before you start there are a few essential items you will need:

  • Good quality, high nutrient compost
  • Thoroughly clean flower pots
  • A mini watering can or jug
  • Thermometer
  • Fertilizers
  • Pesticide

Now, you’re ready to go! Follow these suggestions for your perfect indoor garden:

1. Position plants with care

Look for the best location for each plant and try different positions until you find the best spot.

2. Create a mini-forest environment

Most indoor plants originated in tropical and subtropical regions. They can thrive in dim environments and filtered light. The best place is in front of a large window facing east or west, ideally covered with a net curtain.

3. Place sun-loving plants carefully

Plants that thrive on lots of sun should be placed it on a windowsill facing north or north-east. Check soil moisture levels regularly and make sure the leaves are not being burned. If you detect signs of withering, move the plant towards the middle of the room.

4. Bathroom plants

Ferns and other moisture-loving plants do best in bathrooms where they can lap up regular doses of condensed water.

5. Water the plants from the bottom

Water poured directly onto the soil from the top may overflow and still not reach the pot plant’s roots. Water the plants from the bottom up by standing them in a dish and filling the dish with water. Delicate plants such as fuchsias thrive on this method. Make sure all your pots have holes in the bottom through which the water is absorbed.

6. Keep plants out of drafts

If you don’t want your plant to die of heat or cold, don’t place it in drafty areas or near ducted heat or air-conditioning outlets.

7. Do not give too much water

Water your plants only when the potting mix feels dry to the touch. Over watering is the main cause of indoor plant death. Push your finger into the soil; if it comes out without any trace of soil on it, start watering. Plants may need more frequent watering in summer.

8. Plants like to be sprayed

Most indoor plants look better when sprayed with a light mist of water. The water must be at room temperature; use an atomizer or spray bottle. Spraying is particularly beneficial in an air-conditioned or centrally heated room as the air becomes dry in those situations.

9. Use some fertilizer

Plants need small amounts of fertilizer. The best solution is to use complete liquid fertilizer in the recommended dose, usually every two to four weeks.

10. Use ice cubes

A great way to water your plants directly at a steady rate is to use ice cubes. Put a a few on top of the pot soil and leave them to melt. Because they melt slowly they will be absorbed easily in the soil

Do’s and Dont’s:

  • Select disease-resistant, hardy plant varieties.
  • Wash all surfaces clean and keep it that way!
  • With some plants, you’ll need to pollinate flowers by hand using small brush because there are no pollinators indoors.
  • Get some neem oil to keep plants healthy. It contains natural chemicals that kill off viruses, bacteria, fungus and make plants less attractive for pests.
  • Limit the number of plants. Reserve enough space with good lighting for every plant.
  • At the first sign of diseases or molds, trash that plant or at least all the infected leaves immediately.
  • If you are using a hydroponics system with large water reservoirs make sure that your floor is water-tight. If the system breaks down, you can end up with water damage reaching to the lower floors.
  • Make absolutely sure that your garden is safe. Water and electricity don’t mix well.
  • Do plenty of research before you begin to build your garden.

As we said, indoor gardening is not difficult provided you follow the tips and suggestions above.

If you have any other ideas that could help aspiring gardeners, please share them with us using the comments feed below.

Happy (indoor) gardening!