5 Simple After School Activities For Kids On A Budget

5 Simple After School Activities For Kids On A Budget

After school activities don’t have to cost an arm and a leg, especially if you keep them simple

And that DOESN’T mean they have to be boring, and we need to get that fact straight from the get go.

Here at Lifedaily the last thing we ever do is boring but we do like to offer fresh and original ideas which, where possible, also save you money.

Even after a long hot day at school, especially during the summer months, kids seem to be full of energy all the way through to bedtime.

As the summer offers more daylight hours you can take full advantage of the longer days and make more of your after school activities

Most people definitely find themselves more limited when it comes to thinking of ideas for after school activities in the winter.

With the cold weather and rain most activities need to be indoors and that really limits the fun.

So it’s well worth taking full advantage of the good weather and get into some top class outdoor activities.

Ball Games

After the kids get home from school let them rest a little but before they wind down completely have them don their sports clothes. Head over to the local park with a football, hardball or any ball and set up a game for the kids. It doesn’t have to be a high level game but just enough to keep their attention for an hour, or until they get tired out.

Bicycle Races

Bike races are a great after school activity to keep kids busy and make sure they get plenty of exercise. Even though the kids do get some time to stretch their legs during recess bike riding offers them a better form of exercise. Set up start and finishing lines or do times circuits or even build some ramps. It’s all free of charge and can be hours of fun.

Supermarket Treasure Hunt

Why not be smart and use time after school as an activity for the kids which also combines chores. Grocery shopping can be long and tiring, especially if you’re doing it alone. But add some little hands to the mix and the task is suddenly much easier. With just a little preparation you can even set up a fun treasure hunt by placing clues in strategic places around the supermarket.


There is no better exercise for a fit body and mind than swimming. If you live near a lake or the ocean and the waves aren’t too high making a regular slot once a week for swimming is a fantastic idea. If you don’t live near the sea join up with your local public swimming pool, you won’t regret it. And best of all, while the kids swim you can relax, catch up with emails or read a book while they get fit and have fun in the pool.

Video Games Day

Yes you read correctly; video games can have their place in the realm of simple after school activities, if you know how to do them right. If you want to limit your kid’s exposure to video games you can make a house rule that they can only be played once or twice a week, for an hour or two after school. Some games on the Wii console can also help them to keep fit and as long as you steer clear of the adult rated violent games it offers good clean fun for the whole family.

As you can see from the 5 simple after school activities above they are all either totally free or very cheap.

So if you find yourself on a tight budget and struggling for ideas of things to do with the kids after school, bookmark this page so you have it handy for future reference.

Also feel free to share your after school activity ideas with out readers in the comments feed provided below.