How To Take A Screenshot On A PC

How To Take A Screenshot On A PC

There are different ways to capture images on your PC. We take a closer look at the options available to you, so you can capture and save the things you need from the web

When surfing the web, especially for work purposes you often come across images or information you need to save and refer back to. You need to be able to capture the information quickly, simply and in the appropriate format and have it save somewhere convenient on your computer for ease of reference.

You can take a screenshot on your PC in different ways and can save time editing the image depending on how you take it

We’re gonna show you exactly how to screenshot properly so be sure to bookmark this page or, when you’ve read the article, take a screenshot! It’s a lot simpler than you think to catch the images you want, you just need to know how to do it. So let’s take a look at step by step look at how it’s done…

There are two ways to take a screenshot on a PC that don’t require any external software.

Screenshot a focused image

If you require just a part of an image as opposed to a full screen more general one, you will want to use the built in snipping tool. As follows:

Find the snipping tool: go to Start> All programs> Accessories > Snipping tool

Once you have clicked it the screen will white out, you can then drag the mouse over the exact part you wish to snip. You then just need to save it to the folder of your choice.

Screenshot full screen

Windows XP does NOT have the snipping tool built in. If you want to take a screenshot on an older PC you need to do the following:

Click the CNTR + PRT SC buttons together (PRT SC is usually found on the top right of the keyboard, if not it’s top left)

Pressing those two buttons will take a full screenshot and save the image. You now need to go to the accessories folder and click on the ‘Paint program’, click CTRL + V or right click and paste from the menu.

You can now edit the image in the paint program to your requirements, crop, blow up etc.

Here is a quick video we did just for you! It shows you both easy ways to take a screenshot with a PC.