The Top 5 Ways To Save Gas While Driving

The Top 5 Ways To Save Gas While Driving

Motorists waste hundreds of dollars a year simply because they never learnt how to drive properly

I’m not talking about driving within the speed limit or checking your mirrors every few seconds. I assume that as a conscientious driver you already do all that. So why is it that as soon as you’ve filled your tank with gas (At nearly $4 per gallon!) the pointer is on empty within days?

It isn’t even about the age of your car, it’s all about how you drive it

Numerous tests have been carried out on vehicles of all engine sizes and ages to ascertain the precise fuel consumption and factors which affect the MPG (Miles per gallon). This is done by fitting an accurate fuel economy gauge and monitoring the fuel consumption. By knowing how to drive your car properly, aside from the standard safety measures, you can literally save hundreds on your annual gas bill.

1: Use a/c at high speeds and keep windows shut

Starting with the basics… Knowing how to regulate the temperature in your car properly is all important if you want to save money on gas. Opening the windows saves on energy draining air conditioning but also takes away from your car’s aerodynamic profile. Tests have shown that up to 55 mph it’s best to drive with the windows open, aircon off. Then at 60 mph and faster keeping the windows closed and the a/c running burns less fuel making this technique the most economical.

2: Always coast to a stop

Everyone knows that although brakes are very necessary they are also very wasteful when it comes to the economic balance of your car. In short, brakes take all the kinetic energy your gasoline generated. It is far more economical not to accelerate till the last moment then to brake hard at the last minute, Its far better to coast smoothly to a halt, anticipate the upcoming red light and slowly ease off the gas. Fuel economy is better the less you brake.

3: Cruise slower

Without wishing to get too technical here, basically the power necessary to overcome aerodynamic drag is connected to the velocity. What this means is that a vehicle’s acceleration from say 40-60 mph uses less fuel than the jump from 60-80 mph. So cruising at the recommended 55-65 mph is best for fuel efficiency.

4: Don’t Coast Downhill

There are many who think that staying in neutral when coasting downhill saves gas. This is a fallacy and simply not true. Notwithstanding the fact that it is dangerous and illegal in some states to cruise in neutral when going downhill its simply bad practice. Numerous tests have also proved conclusively that remaining in gear, especially in modern cars with fuel-injected engines actually conserves gas and is more efficient.

5: Warm up the engine and check the tires

You can save a lot of fuel by warming up your engine and prioritizing errands smartly. Cars get better fuel efficiency when the engine is warm so if for example you have a few stops to make, ensure you go the farthest destination first working your way back from there. You should also be aware of how important it is to check your tire pressure weekly. Low tire pressure increases rolling resistance adding to your fuel costs.