The Top 8 Medical Uses For Marijuana

The Top 8 Medical Uses For Marijuana

Most people think that marijuana and cannabis are just for partying and getting high

What many people don’t know is that this “wonder drug”, although still illegal in most countries has many powerful healing qualities. THC (delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is the prime mind-altering component in marijuana that makes a person stoned or high but there are numerous other components in this plant that can alleviate suffering for a whole host of medical conditions.

It really puzzles me to see marijuana connected with Narcotics – Dope and all that crap…it’s a thousand times better than whiskey – it’s an Assistant – a friend – Louis Armstrong

It seems that Louis, quoted above got it right especially for people in extreme pain or with chronic illnesses. In fact, in recent years numerous medical uses for marijuana have been discovered and it’s use in the world of medicine has become more and more popular. It is considered to be safer and less addictive than many prescription medications and doesn’t have to be smoked. It is available in various forms, pills, oil, cookies and even mixed with honey.

Even though marijuana is illegal in most countries it is now legal in some form in certain states of America. Although not federally legal some states have taken bold steps to ensure its residents get the medical care they need when it comes to cannabis and marijuana.

You can find some great information about the medical benefits of marijuana in this article on

1: PMS – Premenstrual Syndrome

PMS is a serious thing for many woman and it strikes once a month. When you put the jokes aside the fact remains that millions of woman suffer the pain and mood changes their monthly cycle causes. Not to mention the cramps and abdominal pains that are part and parcel, it is proven that smoking just a little marijuana helps to sooth the pain and relax the mind.

2: Multiple Sclerosis

MS is a chronic degenerative disease affecting many sufferers around the world. As this study suggests, reported on in the Huffington Post,smoking marijuana actually helps to alleviate the symptoms. Clinical studies have shown that there are certain ingredients contained in marijuana and cannabis which help to relieve pain, depression and fatigue. It also is used as a powerful muscle relaxant and therefore can help greatly with this condition.

3: Alzheimer’s

It was considered by some schools of thought that regular marijuana use caused memory loss and even brain damage long term. Recent studies though suggest that in fact the active ingredient which we mentioned earlier THC actually abates the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

4: IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome

It has been well known for quite some time that marijuana can be introduced to help with a variety of stomach and intestinal issues. It has been given to those suffering with Crohn’s disease for many years and is also used to stimulate appetite for people with issues in that area as well.

5: ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder

Whether it’s ADD or ADHD it has been proven in studies that marijuana is a wonderful, natural alternative to ritalin a drug used to control the symptoms of ADD but with some side effects. The issue with this obviously is the fact that many kids and minors suffer from ADD and they cannot be encouraged to smoke. As it is also possible to administer marijuana in cookies and other edibles

6: OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder & Tourette’s

People who suffer from OCD have a certain anxiety disorder characterized by fearful or worried thoughts, apprehension and nervousness. People with tourette’s, an inherited neuropsychiatric disorder which manifests in chronic tics is also treated well with medical marijuana use. In both cases the THC helps to alleviate anxious thoughts and clams the tics significantly.

7: Cancer

It has been well documented for many years that marijuana, in various forms has been used to help cancer sufferers on a variety of different levels. It can be used to relieve pain with certain cancers and also to reduce the spread of the disease as it contains properties which some studies suggest actually heal the disease.

8: Migraines & Headaches

For millions of headache and acute migraine sufferers life is not simple. It’s not so easy to live a normal, functional life if you become debilitated and unable to work during your day. Pain killers and other medication can help with the pain temporarily but they come with certain side effects especially with long term usage. Cannabis and marijuana are used by many when the headaches set in. It is reported to relieve and relax the muscles in the neck which are oftentimes the main cause of the headache or migraine.