10 Practical Tips On How To Overcome Shyness

10 Practical Tips On How To Overcome Shyness

Are you shy? Do you feel self-conscious entering a room full of strangers? Are you anxious in social situations?

If your answer is “yes”, then you need to understand that you are not unique. Shyness is a perfectly normal condition which affects everyone to some degree. It’s simply that some cases are more acute than others.

And it is possible to overcome shyness, as our Life Daily tips will show you.

It doesn’t matter whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, shyness has to do with a sense of being uncomfortable with yourself around other people.

Dr. Bernardo J. Carducci, of the Shyness Research Institute, defines three major components of shyness: :

  • Excessive Self-Consciousness – an over awareness of yourself in social situations.
  • Excessive Negative Self-Evaluation – you view yourself negatively.
  • Excessive Negative Self-Preoccupation – you pay too much attention to what you are doing wrong when you are around other people.

So, now that you know the definitions of shyness, how can you overcome it?

These practical tips will set you on the right path:

1. Always remember that everyone is shy to some extent.

Boost your confidence by practicing conversation skills, and make sure you have new topics to discuss.

2. Just say “yes” to more things.

Start small, like saying “hi” to a classmate or colleague. You will immediately feel better because you were brave enough to do it.

3. Adrenaline is common to both fear and excitement.

Focus on the positive aspect of any activity you have to do.

4. People react differently to tension.

Many extrovert eloquent people find themselves in public situations with as much tension as you, but they regard it as excitement, and share it with others.

5. Volunteer or join a club or social group!

You will meet other people with common interests – and it’s a great way to make friends.

6. Always remember that shyness is an emotion, not a permanent personality trait.

You can change your feelings of shyness if you really want to.

7. “Fake it till you make it”

Pretend to be confident and soon you will find that you really are.

8. Don’t rush things and give yourself plenty of time to talk.

Speaking slowly enables you think about what to say, and makes you appear more serious and knowledgeable.

9. Boost your confidence.

Make a list of things you love about yourself and stick it on your wall, bathroom mirror, or refrigerator. It will boost your confidence before leaving home.

10. Don’t be afraid to seek professional help.

If nothing else seems to work for you, then group counseling, individual counseling, and therapy may well be the solution. It’s just possible that you may be suffering from a condition called Social Anxiety Disorder – which is more than just shyness.

Sometimes shyness is a phase which people grow out of.

Others need help to overcome their shyness.

We hope that these tips will give you an indication of the way to go. Did you find them helpful? Have you found methods of dealing with shyness that you would like to share with our readers?

You can simply use the comments feed below to pass on your experiences and advice.