6 Things A Man Should Carry With Him At All Times

6 Things A Man Should Carry With Him At All Times

Ever stepped out of the house only to discover you have forgotten something critical?

Millions of people do it every day so you are not alone. It’s just one of the most frustrating things in the world. There you are already running late for work, you gulp down a cup of coffee and get in your car. Two minutes later you think to yourself “Sh*t! I forget my wallet or my lunch or my phone!!!!”. We’ve all been there and we all know what a downward spiral it is for our otherwise perfect day ahead.

Some people are so forgetful they actually pin a checklist to their fridge or door so they don’t forget the essentials that day. We hope this list will compel all those forgetful and over worked men out there to, at the very least, ensure they have the 6 most essential items on them at all times.

1: Keys

Whether it’s the car, office or house keys no one ever wants to forget them. It’s a good idea to frisk yourself real quick checking pockets before you leave for your destination. Forgetting your keys at home or locking them in the car can be costly and it’s a fact that Americans spend millions of hard earned dollars each year paying locksmiths to retrieve their keys for them. This can of course be avoided if you make sure you have plenty of backup spares tucked away cleverly, with a neighbor or in a good hiding place.

2: Wallet

Come on guys you know who you are. You go fill up the car with gas only to find that you’ve left your wallet at home or on your desk in the office. This causes all kinds of complications when it comes to needing cash or a credit card right there and then. It can all be avoided if you take some smart steps to ensure you avoid forgetting it in the first place. Firstly, you should always leave your wallet, whether at home or in the office, in the same place. You should also try and make sure you leave it in a prominent place that you walk by often. If all else fails you can get a wallet that attaches to a chain and clip the chain to your belt buckle. This is a smart move and there are many good pocket size wallets available on the market with different chains and strings to meet your needs.

3: Cell Phone

With an ever increasing percentage of men in America relying on their cell phones it’s a vital component if you want your day to run smoothly and according to plan. These days it’s almost impossible to find a phone booth so forgetting your cell at home is ill advised especially if you have meetings and appointments to get to. As the reliance on cell phones grows and with the introduction of smart phones a Cell is a lot more than just that. Emails, web browsing, messaging many people are totally lost without their phone in their pocket. One tip is to ensure you don’t put your phone on silent, so you can call it from another phone if it gets misplaced.

4: Pocket knife

There are of course certain items that fall under the category of “real manly” namely things like pocket knives. In other words things that represent manliness and responsibility. Most men like to think that one day they may be called to save the day, save a kitten or cut some rope. As posted in the art of manliness website there are different opinions as to which items a “real man” should carry. Either way, a pocket knife or handy little swiss army knife is a great thing to have when you are out and about.

5: Flashlight

As reported in this great article from the famous men’s magazine GQ a flashlight is a must to have in your pocket when you step out of home. Although not cheap Surefire sell amazing compact and very powerful LED flashlights. Providing a strong focused beam to assist in any situation. You never know when you might need this in your inventory, getting into the car at night or finding your house keys.

6: Small Change

Never underestimate just how important it is to have a good stash of small change handy whether in your pocket, a pocket purse or in your car. There will always be situations where you need different denominations of coins for a parking meter or shopping cart. There are literally thousands of everyday situations where you will need coins even if it’s just to buy some water or a snack or to buy something in a market. There’s nothing more frustrating than not being able to purchase something you want because the vendor doesn’t have change. A good idea is to keep a pot at home where you throw all your coins at the end of the day then you can put the change into smaller pots, one in your car, one in the office and so on.