Give Up These 10 Habits To Be Happy

Give Up These 10 Habits To Be Happy

“Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory ” at least, according to Albert Schweitzer.

But is that true? The main problem in defining happiness is that it means different things to different people. Ambrose Bierce defined happiness as “an agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of another.”

Given that there is no agreement as to what happiness is, which habits do you need to give up to achieve a state of happiness?

We set our Life Daily team the task of selecting the most important habits you should do without.

These are the 10 habits to give up in order to be happy:

1. Stop procrastinating

You need to bear in mind that what you don’t start today won’t be finished by tomorrow. There are few things more stressful than the lingering of an unfinished task.

The secret is simply getting started. Concentrate on taking your first small step, and then the next. Those small steps add up, and very quickly you’ll feel the difference and understand that the goal is attainable.

2. Stop blaming others

When you blame others for what you’re not doing, it’s like a denial of responsibility and just perpetuates the problem. Take responsibility for your life; blaming is just an excuse, and excuses are the first step towards failure; Only you are responsible for your decisions.

3. Stop avoiding change

When we change we grow, and then we see a world we never knew was possible.

However bad the situation is now, it will change – you can be sure of it. Change happens for a reason, which is not always obvious at first, but in the end it’s usually for the best.

4. Stop trying to control the uncontrollable

Accept that some forces are out of your control, but you can control your reactions. Everyone’s life has its positive and negative sides, so you need to focus on the positive. Don’t agonize about what you can’t control, but invest your energy in the things you can – such as your attitude.

5. Stop talking yourself down

Self criticism is destructive. Be aware of how you talk silently to yourself about yourself. You aren’t always conscious of how it’s affecting your attitude.

A major cause of failure is self-doubt and negative self-talk. Overcome negative thoughts and destructive emotions by using opposing, positive emotions that are stronger and more powerful.

6. Stop criticizing others

When you feel comfortable with your own faults and weaknesses, you won’t feel threatened by the imperfections you see in other people.

Stop worrying about the flaws you see in everyone else, and focus on yourself. Concentrate on improving your own life so that you have no time left to criticize others.

7. Stop running from your fears and problems

The best solution with problems is to face them head on no matter how overwhelming they may seem.
Fear will stop you from taking chances and making decisions. Letting your fears and worries control you is not a sustainable way of living.

Remember – either you own your problems and fears, or they will eventually own you!

8. Stop living in another time and place

Stop complaining about what has been, what you could have done, or what you might have become. The past is gone, and the future hasn’t yet arrived. Wasting time contemplating about either of them won’t change anything; just live for now.

9. Stop trying to be someone you’re not

We live in a world which sometimes seems consumed with the pursuit of perfection. The truth is that someone will always be prettier – or more handsome; someone will always be smarter, someone will always be younger – but they are not – and never can be – you!

Just be yourself and revel in the fact that you are unique.

10. Stop being ungrateful

Try to think about life differently. Be thankful for the things that didn’t work out, because they just made room for the things that will. Even be thankful for the ones who walked away from you, because they simply made room for others who won’t.

Wake up each day being thankful for your life. Try to remember that, somewhere in the world, someone is desperately fighting for theirs. Stop focusing on what you’re missing; instead, think about what you have that others don’t.

You’ve just read about the 10 habits you need to give up in order to be happy.

If you have all, or even some of them, do you think you can try to give them up? Which habit do you think is the worst?

You can share your thoughts by using the convenient comments feed below.