The 10 Worst Jobs In The World

The 10 Worst Jobs In The World

How do you feel about your job? Do you look forward to each day at work with enthusiasm?

Well, the next time you think about complaining that you are overworked and underpaid, or that no-one appreciates you, just remember that it could always be worse.

How much worse?

Our Life Daily team has discovered some of the worst jobs in the world, and we list them below.

Look at them carefully. It will help you to understand that there are people who attempt to earn a living by doing some unspeakable things.

1. Guard outside Buckingham Palace

This is regarded as one of the worst jobs in the British Army. Soldiers spend several hours each day cleaning and pressing their uniforms and polishing their boots for kit inspection.

Then they have to stand for hours, in all weathers, remaining perfectly still, while enduring the taunts of tourists attempting to make them laugh and lose their composure.

2. Sewer Cleaner – in Calcutta!

A regular working day consists of crouching at the bottom of a seven-foot-deep manhole in your underpants collecting thick black sludge. This is hauled out using a bucket, and the contents are simply dumped on the road to produce an ever growing mountain of sewage. And this for a salary of $100 a month.

3. Brazilian Mosquito Researcher

Scientists fighting malaria must study the biting habits of the mosquito that spreads it. In Brazil, the scientists offer themselves as bait. One researcher caught 500 mosquitoes in 3 hours, which meant he endured 3,000 bites, or an average of 17 per minute for 180 minutes on end.

The downside is that they occasionally contract malaria. Despite taking prophylactic chloroquine, an attack can take up to two years to shake.

4. Portable Toilet Cleaner

This job is a combination of garbage collector and gastroenterologist, and more disgusting than both put together. Using a tank and a vacuum tube, cleaners suck up all the waste in a portable toilet.They also wash down all surfaces that could possibly be soiled, including the walls.

Cleaning one toilet takes only a few minutes, so most workers clean from 10 to 60 a day. But the pay is not that bad – some cleaners can make 50,000 a year.

5. Flatus Odor Judge

This unbelievable job involves collecting and analyizing the odor of flatulence gas. The gas is collected in bottles, in a manner we prefer not to describe, from volunteers who were fed pinto beans.
The odor judges then check at least 100 samples by opening the bottles one at a time, and inhaling deeply. They have to rate just how noxious the smell is.

6. Road kill remover

The job description is in the title. Roadkill collectors have to peel the remains of dead creatures – in various states decay – off the road, frequently while braving oncoming traffic.

7. Hazmat Diver

Hazmat divers are people whose job is to dive into sewage. In cases of any accidents in or near sewers, these people clean up the mess. Their wages are really really low, and their work environment more than poor. But at least, unlike the guys in Calcutta, they get to wear diving suits!

8. Janitor at a Porno Theater

Being a janitor is not the greatest job in regular circumstances. But, consider what a porno theater janitor has to mop up after each show. The sticky stuff on the floor might be spilled Coca-Cola or, then again, it might not. The only perk is you get to see a lot of free porn.

9. Enlisted Military Personnel

As US involvement in overseas operations is being reduced, the military isn’t experiencing the growth it did ten years ago. The job is one of the most stressful you can endure, and for many, carries the risk of death and injury

10. Actor

You may be surprised to see this profession listed here, but the fact is that acting is an unforgiving way of earning a living; you’re either a superstar or virtually penniless. Unless you’re part of the miniscule fraction of actors who are rich and famous, chances are you’ll be barely scraping by. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics rates the national salary median for actors at $17.44/hour

We assume that you don’t envy those people we have shown as having the the worst job in the world.

Which of them would you least like to do? Maybe you know of even worse jobs.

You can share your thoughts simply by using the comments feed below.