Top 10 Topics To Talk About With A Girl

Top 10 Topics To Talk About With A Girl

When you’re out with a girl at the beginning of a relationship, the last thing you want is to find yourself with nothing to say.

Few things are more embarrassing than the awkward silence as you struggle to find a topic to talk about.

Whatever you do, avoid asking “closed questions.” These are questions to which the answer can only be “yes” or “no”; then there is no way for the conversation to flow.

For example, don’t say something like: ” Do you come here often?” The answer can only be “yes,” “no,” or, perhaps, “sometimes.”

It’s just possible to continue with some kind of conversation, but why make matters difficult?

There are so many general topics you can talk about, for example:

  • Current events in the news – something is always happening somewhere.
  • Funny things that have happened to you in the past – and then you can ask for her experiences.
  • Vacations – places you have been or would like to visit; check if she’s adventurous.
  • Interests and Hobbies – even if that’s only watching TV, it’s something to talk about.
  • Future plans – start with your hopes and ambitions, then move on to her’s.

After covering the general stuff, you can move on to more specific topics. According to her responses, you will be able to assess both her levels of knowledge and intellectual capacity.

Unless your only interested in her body and not her mind – but that’s another subject!

These are the topics we suggest:

  1. What she feels about the concept of time travel
  2. Which event has changed her life destiny
  3. Which was the oddest job she ever had
  4. How would she rate her greatest achievement
  5. What would she do if she won the lottery
  6. What’s her theory on deja-vu
  7. How would she like to be remembered when she’s dead
  8. Does she believe in fate
  9. Which are the five things she couldn’t live without.
  10. What is the one book she thinks everyone should be required to read

We’re not proposing than you talk about ALL of these topics at one time.

You don’t want easy conversation to turn into an interrogation. The idea is to exchange thoughts and ideas. Don’t get overly concerned about breaks and pauses as you talk. An uninterrupted flow of words is also not natural.

Which are your favorite topics to talk about?

Do you have any other tips you would like to share about making conversation? You can share them with our readers by making use of the comments feed below.