16 Amazing Mindblowing Facts

What possible use can there be for mindblowing facts?

Well, for a start, some people have memorized countless seemingly useless facts, and then used that skill to make money in TV game shows.

Another hidden benefit of accumulating a reservoir of information, is that you can use it to impress your partner, colleagues, potential employers, or, even, future parents-in-law!

The main problem for our Life Daily team was how to make a selection from all the amazing mindblowing facts in the world.

We understood that anyone could browse the internet to find them, but who has that amount of free time?

Recognizing that, we assembled a short and highly varied list, which you can browse in few moments.

We’re sure that you will find something interesting, and you’ll be able to surprise people with the extent of your knowledge:

This is our selection of mindblowing facts:

1. Winston Churchill’s mother was born in Brooklyn.

2. 12+1 =13. 11+2 = 13. And “twelve plus one” is an anagram of “eleven plus two.”

3. Google’s founders were prepared to sell to Excite for under $1 million in 1999. Excite were not excited with the deal – and turned them down.

4. Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima working when the first Atomic bomb hit. He survived, and returned to his home to Nagasaki – just in time for the second; he lived to be 93.

5. In a 2008 survey, 58% of British teenagers thought Sherlock Holmes was a real person, while 20% thought Winston Churchill was not.

6. During WWI, German measles were re-named “liberty measles” and dachshunds became “liberty hounds.”

7. New Mexico State’s first graduating class in 1893 had only one student—and he was shot and killed before graduation.

8. After leaving office, Lyndon Johnson let his hair grow really long.

9. Only one McDonald’s in the world has turquoise arches. Sedona, AZ. felt that yellow clashed with the natural red rock of the building.

10. Sean Connery turned down the Gandalf role in Lord of the Rings. He said, “I read the book. I read the script. I saw the movie. I still don’t understand it.”

11. Barry Manilow did not write his hit “I Write the Songs”.

12. Officials in Portland, Oregon, drained 8 million gallons of water from a reservoir in 2011 because a 21-year-old man peed in it.

13. If you start counting at one, and spell out the numbers as you go, you won’t use the letter “A” until you reach 1,000.

14. Marie Curie’s notebooks are still radioactive. Researchers wishing to view them must sign a disclaimer.

15. In 1999, the U.S. government paid the Zapruder family $16 million for the film of JFK’s assassination.

16. Fredric Baur invented the Pringles can. When he passed away in 2008, his ashes were buried in one.

Did you know any of these mindblowing facts?

Do you have any suggestions for others that we missed out on? Share your thought with our readers by making use of the comments feed below.