9 Magical Ways to Avoid a Hangover

9 Magical Ways to Avoid a Hangover

Hangovers are literally the worst. And, although drinking a lot tends to lead to a pretty bad hangover, there are certain tricks that can help you wake up feeling better after a crazy night out.

Depending on the amount of drinks you throw back each night, it can be inevitable to wake up with a pounding headache and a fear of bright lights and loud noises (not to mention the worst hangover symptom: becoming great friends with that porcelain throne). But worry not, there are a few tips and tricks to help you avoid these awful problems, and wake up fresher and happier. Follow this advice if you want to avoid the worst symptoms the day after drinking. While they aren’t actually magic, they will make your life a lot better.

1. Eat first.

This one seems obvious, but a lot of people ignore the advice. A big dinner is important before drinking because it will help your body absorb alcohol slowly, as long as it’s a meal full of protein and healthy acids. Foods to avoid: salad and carbs. Neither will help you.


2. Pop some vitamins.

Getting some extra vitamins in your system before drinking can really help, since alcohol does such a number on your body. Specifically, try Vitamin C, which boosts your immune system, and Vitamin B, which helps your liver stay strong. Foods with antioxidants are also important, because they help alleviate the damage alcohol does to your body.

3. Avoid carbonation.

This includes alcoholic beverages like Champagne, and mixers/chasers like soda. The bubbles make your stomach expand and therefore, the alcohol absorbs quicker. Pick juice instead, which has extra vitamins.

4. Splurge for the more expensive liquors.

Obviously, this isn’t always an applicable tip, but the cheaper liquors haven’t been filtered as much as their more expensive counterparts. So the cheaper your drink, the more toxins you’re allowing into your body, the more likely you’ll wake up with a hangover.


5. Include other non-alcoholic beverages in your nightly routine.

You’ve definitely heard that you have to drink water while you’re drinking to avoid a hangover. And, while water is SUPER important because you need to stay hydrated, choosing a Gatorade or coconut water (both full of electrolytes) in between each drink can help, too.

6. Choose the lighter liquor.

No, we’re not talking about alcohol content. We’re talking about color. Lighter liquor like tequila and vodka have less congeners that the darker stuff like rum or whiskey. Congeners are the byproduct of fermentation, and are one of the things that lead to severe hangovers. So you’d be better off with a drink you can see through.

7. Take an ibuprofen before bed.

In case you didn’t know, painkillers can help. While you sleep, the meds can take care of that pesky headache, so that you wake refreshed, instead of hating yourself. But word of warning: never take acetaminophen (like Tylenol) because it can cause severe liver damage when mixed with alcohol.


8. Eat eggs in the morning.

When you wake up, instead of opting for that greasy bacon, order eggs. They contain taurine, which is proven to reverse liver damage. Its a healthier choice for the day after drinking.

9. Go outside.

Fresh air makes you feel better, because it speeds up the rate your body breaks down toxins like alcohol. Exercise also can help because of the release of endorphins, so you might consider going for a walk or jog when you wake up.

[Featured Image Credit: nextshark.com]